Many bots go to popular in-game locations and attempt to OSRS gold lure players to visit their site with fake promotions. One common technique is as simple as some written in-game text such as"The first 5 players to search UNIQUE_WORD on youtube will win 200m!". This can be spammed while standing in crowded regions where hundreds of players frequently gather.By creating a YouTube video featuring unique keywords like"Dum410", phishers can ensure their video is the sole effect on YouTube when a player inevitably seeks out the advertising and searches for this keyword.Videos typically link victims to their site, where they're served with a classic page.

We've also seen phishers use hacked databases of personal servers and RuneScape-related sites to gain mails associated with player accounts.The security of these third-party servers is frequently lacking -- they are normally a ripped-off copy of the game, which is independently hosted by players.

One interesting trend that we have identified among these techniques is the phishing page itself: Most of them originate from a single phishing service.The phishing service provides domains with unique arguments which enable the phishing pages to match links to a user alongside a custom-made phishing page tailored for the game.This specific service was online for more than five decades. According to stats promoted in their merchandise page, these bad actors have phished thousands and thousands of accounts.

When a sufferer accesses a phishing link, they are presented using a generic login form from the website.Facebook and Google login options offer you a veil of authenticity, together with the"create an account" and"Can't log in" links which redirect to the real website to stop feeling by visitors.When entering credentials, victims are motivated by an"Additional security measures demanded" message which best osrs gp site asks for a bank trap and 2FA token.Users cannot proceed without providing this information.